
Divorce and Custody | Annapolis, MD | Gilda O Karpouzian | 410-280-8864

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The Importance Of Working With Guardianship Lawyers In Annapolis, MD

There are different types of cases that require the services and legal expertise of our guardianship lawyers in Annapolis, MD, Glen Burnie, MD and surrounding counties.

Guardianship is a legal term and process that gives the court the option to appoint a person to take care of an adult if he or she is incapable of making their own personal decisions. It’s also the term used when a person other than a parent is appointed by the court to look after a non-biological minor child.

Adult Guardianship Lawyers in Glen Burnie, MD

Guardianship lawyers will work to ensure that your loved ones, once they are not able to make informed decisions about their health, finances and property, have your legal support to make decisions in their best interests.

This process can be complicated and lengthy, and is not something that is reasonable to attempt to do on your own through the courts. First, our guardianship lawyers in Annapolis, MD will make sure that you have the required determination by a designated professional, and the documentation and evidence necessary to support your petition to the court.

You may be granted the power to make health care decisions, financial decisions, or both through the appointment by the court.

Child Guardianship Lawyers in Annapolis, MD

Guardianship of a minor can be more challenging in many ways than guardianship for an adult. Talking to our guardianship lawyers in Annapolis, MD and Glen Burnie, MD can provide you specifics with regards to your case.

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